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Power Query Webinar - Leadership Master Class
Wednesday, May 01, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PST
Category: Leadership Master Class

Hidden Secret Power in Excel: 3 Tangible Takeaways to Utilize Power Query


Anne Walsh

This 1.5-hour, hands-on workshop will be led by highly recommended virtual Excel trainer, Anne Walsh, who brings 25+ years of Excel experience and is known for making complex concepts clear.

Unlock Hidden Excel Power in 3 Tangible Takeaways:

  • Master Power Query: No more data drudgery! Learn to clean, transform, and leverage massive datasets with ease.
  • Build a Bridge to Power BI: Gain the foundational skill that unlocks the power of data visualization.
  • Become More Efficient at Work: Bring more value to your organization and your customers with next-level data integration skills. 

Sample files will be emailed beforehand for an interactive workshop session. Please block your calendars, and take your Excel skills to the next level! 

Visit Anne here and connect with her on LinkedIn here.

May 1st, 2024 8:00 AM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time, US and Canada), 3:00 PM GMT.

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