WE is Here For YOU!

1. When did Women in Electronics (WE) form?
“WE” was formed in the fall of 2017 by a group of 20 inaugural women from across the US who assembled for the 1st Leadership Conference in Laguna Beach, CA. 

2. Why was it started and what is the mission?
The organization was built with the premise of women working collaboratively to find inspiration, strength, and empowerment through a sense of community (aligned with their male counterparts) that is committed to advancing the opportunities for women in the Electronics Industry.

3. What is the value proposition for WE in the industry?

  • Leadership Growth Series: WE offers valuable leadership growth opportunities at a very affordable membership fee, regardless of your current title or position in the channel. 
  • Life Balance Series
  • Talent Recruitment and Retention: WE fills a niche in the industry by helping to retain our existing talent and, at the same time, attracting more youth and diverse talent into the industry through our Collegiate Initiative. 
  • WE Podcast: WE finds inspiration and indirect mentorship from our industry leaders and also our members on our WE Radio podcast.
  • Mentorship: WE created a flagship program designed to provide enhanced development opportunities through mentorship and career coaching . Visit our Mentorship Page for more details.
  • Events: WE offers excellent ecosystem building and thought leadership opportunities through our chapters, annual conference, and industry events

4. Are you associated with WiE?
No. Although many people found the “WiE” group to have served a certain constituency and to be well regarded, the group dissolved well over a decade ago. “WE” is a grass roots organization that began organically in 2017 and had no prior association with WiE. 

5. Is WE a non-profit?
Yes, WE is a 501(c)(3) organization.

6. How do I participate in the organization?
We have a well organized committee structure. Please contact us on our homepage or email [email protected] to learn how to participate.

7. How do I get assigned to a local chapter?
Once you have registered to become a member, you'll have the option to select a local chapter.  For questions about setting up your membership account, please email us at [email protected]. For questions about local chapters, please email Susan Leager, our National Chapter Chair, at [email protected].

8. Is WE Global? 
Yes! Anyone English speaking can benefit from the program! 

9. Can I start my own chapter if there is not one in my area?
Potentially, yes! Please contact [email protected].

10. Is there a cost to attend the chapter meetings?
Meetings are included in WE membership. There is a small fee to participate for non-members. 

11. Is there a company brochure I can send to my counterparts and associates?

Yes! Please download the membership flyer and our digital brochure under "About WE" on the homepage. 

12. Can I become a sponsor?
We welcome sponsorship partners who share the same values and make it a priority to invest in gender parity. Contact [email protected], or Jackie Mattox, our President and CEO, at [email protected].

13. How much is membership?
Please visit our membership page to learn more. The membership fee is $297 annually or $26 on the monthly plan. There is a discounted membership rate if you're employed by a sponsor company, which is $250 annually or $22 monthly. We have a discounted SPARK membership of $225 annually or $19.50 monthly. We recently added a Collegiate membership of $75.00 per year.

If you have financial hardships, we will not turn you away! Please contact [email protected] and inquire about a Scholarship.

14. How do I sign up for the Leadership Growth Webinars?
Our Leadership Growth Series is a member benefit. If you are a member, please login to our website using your membership credentials and go to the homepage or "Leadership Growth Series" in the toolbar to register.

15. Who do I contact if I have trouble creating/updating my WE account?
Please email us at [email protected]. We will respond to your inquiry promptly.

16. What is WE's relationship to ECIA and ERA?
We have a very good working relationship with ECIA and ERA. We meet as organizations monthly to collaborate. As a cooperative team of professional organizations, the industry rises!

17. Can men join the WE Organization?
WE seeks to maintain the purity of our mission by expanding the opportunities for women and encourages women and men to join. Our goal is to unite the men and women in the industry in efforts to thrive together and move the needle for systemic change in the industry. 

18. How can I sign up for the Annual Leadership Conference?
Access the conference information in the Events toolbar and select Annual Conference.

19. What industry events will you be participating in?
Traditionally, we have participated at the ERA conference in Austin, held luncheons at the ECIA conference in Chicago, curated panel events at the EDS show in Las Vegas, and held our own flagship Annual Leadership Conference. We also host several all-industry virtual events, including panels, webinars, and conferences.